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강좌명(코드) [*해외초청특별강좌*]Dynamic Analysis and Sensorless Control of AC Machines 접수마감
강좌분류 전력변환 및 전동기제어
강좌장 이주
강사명 Joachim Holtz
수강금액 60000
고용보험 비해당
모집정원 20
교육목표 To give an insightful understanding of the dynamics of ac machines and their control and to get familiarized with the latest technology of sensorless speed and position control systems using inverter fed induction motors or PM synchronous motors
교육난이도 3
기대효과 To give an insightful understanding of the dynamics of ac machines and their control and to get familiarized with the latest technology of sensorless speed and position control systems using inverter fed induction motors or PM synchronous motors
접수마감 2005-04-08
강좌 시작일 2005-04-11 강좌 종료일 2005-04-15
강의시간 09:00 A.M ~ 18:00 P.M
강좌위치 이론 - 한양대학교內 한양종합기술연구원 310호 (HCEM 강의실)
상세정보 안녕하세요.
HCEM (산업자원부지정 전기기기산업 인력양성센터) 운영자 입니다.

본 센터는 센서레스 제어 관련 전문 컨설턴트 Joachim Holtz를 모시고
4월 11일 - 15일(5일간) [Dynamic Analysis and Sensorless Control of AC Machines] 강좌를 개최 합니다.

Joachim Holtz는 센서리스 전동기 및 삼단 인버터, 유도기와 관련 전문가로서 미국 및 인도 유럽 등지에서 다국 기업 컨설팅 및 풍부한 현장 기술적 노하우를 쌓아왔으며 다년간의 교수 생활을 통해 이론적 배경과 실무를 겸한 이분야의 권위자로 일컬어지고 있습니다.

IEEE-IAS 위원으로서 다양한 활동을 펼치며 관련 저서활동 및 특허 출원 등 많은 영향력을 미치고 있는 전문 컨설턴트 Joachim Holtz 초청 강좌를 통해 귀사의 기술 함양에 큰 도움이 되시길 바랍니다.
----------------------------  아  래 ---------------------------

■ 강사
1. Joachim Holtz
  (Professor of Wuppertal University)

2. 프로필:
※ 現 : Wuppertal University 교수, 전문 컨설턴트
※ 학력: Ph.D. - Technical University Braunschweig,Germany 
※ 경력 :
1969 - 1971 Professor of Indian Institute of Technology,India
1972 Head of the Siemens Research Laboratories
1973 Head of the Research and Development Group New Traffic Technologies
1976 - 1998 Professor of Wuppertal University, Germany

- Fellow of the IEEE 
- Past Editor-in-Chief of theIEEE Transactions
- Chairman of the IAS IDC Nominations and Awards Committee 
- Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE IAS
- IEEE IAS Static Power Converter Committee
- IEEE IAS Industrial Drives Committee
- Senior AdCom Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
- IEEE IAS Static Power Converter Committee
- member of the IEEE IAS IndustrialDrives Committee.

※ 전문 분야:
- power electronics and drive control
- sensorless drive control system 
- the three-level inverter
- the space vector modulation method for inverter control
- sensorless position control for induction motors

※ 특허: 31개 출원

※ 수상:
- IES Dr. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award,
- IAS Outstanding Achievement Award
- PELS William E. Newell Award
- IEEE Third Millenium Medal
- IEEE Lamme Medal.
- 기타 11편의 우수 논문상

■ 교육내용

※ 4월 11일
오전/ 오후
1. Machine Analysis
- dq-transformation
- distributed windings
- complex state variables
- signal flow graphs
- physical interpretation of eigenvalues
- torque production
- induction machines
- synchronous machines

2. Machine control
- current control in stator coodinates
- rotor field orientation
- stator field orientation
- rotor model
- stator model

※ 4월 12일
오전/ 오후
- current control at low switching frequency
- single complex eigenvalues
- controller with single complex zeroes
- root locus design

3. Transient fields
- field distributions
- signification of root loci

4. Sensorless speed control of induction motors classification of methods

4.1 Volts-per-Hertz control
- low-cost drives
- improved dynamic performance

4.2 Rotor field orientation
- model reference adaptive systems
- stator model
- stator voltage feedforward

4.3 Stator field orientation
- dynamics at forced stator current
- dynamic decoupling
- rotor frequency estimation

4.4 Observers
- Luenberger observer
- root placement
- speed estimation
- sliding mode observers
- reduced order observer
- Performance of model based control

※ 4월 13일
4.5 Nonlinearities, parameter errors, drift
- approximated low-pass model
- double low-pass model
- drift compensation through amplitude limiter
- drift compensation through phase angle
- control
- zero speed at field weakening
- dead time effect
- inverter nonlinearity
- space vector model of inverters
- pure integrator with offset compensation
- A/D-converter gain unbalance
- A/D-converter offsets
- current zero crossing effect
- ac disturbance compensation

4.6 Selfcommisioning

4.7 Stator resistance identification
- effect of resistance mismatch
- model reference adaptation
- identificationat light load
- model based zero speed performance

4.8 Speed estimation based on slot effects
- slot harmonics extraction
- speed and rotor frequency estimation
- performance comparison

※ 4월 14일
5. Sensorless braking control with diode front end
- power flow and system losses
- dc braking
- maximization of system losses
- system loss control
- pulsewidth and amplitude modulation
- results

6. Sensorless position control of induction motors
- machines with engineered anisotropies
- response at transient excitation

6.1 Revolving carrier methods
- injection principle
- frequency spectrum
- position extraction through PLL
- position extraction through observer
- influence of dead time effect
- results

6.2 Transient excitation by inverter switching
- transient inductance tensor
- loci of transient current
- saturation effects
- transient zero equence voltage
- signal separation by spatial filtering
- elimination of cross coupling
- results

※ 4월 15일
6.3 Signal acquisition
- common mode effects caused by
- diode rectifier
- common mode effects caused by PWM
- inverter
- travelling waves on the motor cable
- travelling waves in the machine windings
- motor impedance filter
- common mode filter
- results

7. Sensorless control of PM synchronous motors

7.1 Model based control
- inductance and time constant tensors
- voltage model
- model reference adaptive system

7.2 Revolving carrier methods
- position extraction
- influence of dead time effect
- load influence
- results

7.3 Alternating carrier injection
- interior magnet and surface mount machines
- injection angle
- trajectories of transient currents
- position extraction
- results

8. Final discussion

■ 수강료: 6만원  (※ 정, 준회원 동일 ※)

■ 교 재: 강의교재 무료제공 (산업자원부지원, 센터 부담)

■ 신청방법 : 하단 수강신청 아이콘 클릭

■ 문의사항
> Tel : 02-2220-0638 , 02-2296-0638
> Fax : 02-2281-0638